Sunday, September 27, 2015


“In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen”

What is an invocation? It is the action of invoking something or someone for assistance or as an authority. It camp terms it is inviting God into our worship even though He is already there. At Ewalu, campers will do many different types of invocations at the beginning of the worship. All the invocations say the exact same thing but with different actions. One of my favorites is the bunny invocation. One has to get in the bunny position with their hands in front of their body and their butt out. On the count of three everyone will say “In the name of the Father” and jump forward. Next they will say “In the name of the Son” and jump back. Then everyone will say “and the Holy Spirt” and jump side to side. And finally everyone says “Amen” and jumps in the center of the cross that one just made and shake their bushy tail.

Why does God have to be invited when he is already there? It is always nice to have an invitation. We like to invite God so that He knows that He is wanted. Even though He is always there, it is nice to feel welcomed. If we would not invite God then He may not always know that He is wanted. Also when you welcome him into worship it is also showing you that God is there and shouldn’t be at the back of your mind.

Invocations happen everyday not just with God but with our peers. It is nice to invite people to do anything and not just ignore them or push them back. An invitation is always nice. Many times it happens with something so easy. It could be just talking to someone and inviting them into a conversation. Inviting people into your life doesn’t have to be some big thing; also it takes no effort. Just talking and saying hi to people is invoking them into your life.

I believe that with the small act of ivoking someone into your life could make the biggest of differences in both their life and your own.

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