Sunday, January 24, 2016

Jesus - Games

Card games are like food to my family. Whenever we are with either side of the family we play games constantly. The routine is wake up, eat, games, eat, games, eat, and then more games before bed. There are many different games that we play but its just what our family loves to do.

Some of my favorites include Canasta and Ten to One. Canasta is played in teams but has to be played with an even number of players so it’s sometimes hard to play. Ten to One is a pretty quick game that involves guessing how many tricks you will get. There are so many games that we always have to remind my people how to play now and again.

Since I was brought up in a family with card games its just kind of natural for me to play. It’s just relaxing and is a great way to spend time with family. I would rather play a game then watch TV. Sometimes resting in front of the TV is fine but I love the feeling of being a family around a table playing card.

I always wondered when these games were invented. They were probably not invented during Jesus’ time, but I always thought about what He did with his family when He was a boy. Did he play and run around with friends. These questions will never be totally answered because there weren’t too many records about Jesus outside of the Bible and I know that the Bible doesn’t expand at all on his childhood. So did Jesus play games with His family and have that relaxing time that I have when I play cards with my family?

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