Friday, November 13, 2015

Forgiving Others

“Forgiveness doesn’t excuse their behavior. Forgiveness prevents their behavior from destroying your heart.”

Have you ever had a time in your life where forgiving someone was so hard and took so much out of you to forgive them? To forgive someone is to grant pardon to them. Many believe it is the act of telling someone that what they did was ok, but I don’t believe that is always true.

I believe that forgiveness is more the act of telling someone that what they did will eventually be forgotten and ignored. The person’s act can be something simple or complex, whatever it is, I believe it should be forgiven. Forgiven for many reasons; for them to feel better, for the forgiver to not be destroyed by it, and for God.

When you forgive someone it could mean so much to him or her. Their action of offence could have reasons behind it and many times its not because they were thinking through everything right at that moment. Their mind could be caught up in the moment. When someone gets caught up in situations they have the tendency to do stuff that isn’t normal. Other factors could effect how they acted, maybe through peer pressure, alcohol, or problems with family or friends.

When you are the one forgiving remember that it will help you too. When you are caught up in the fact that someone has hurt you, either physically or mentally, you began to fill your heart with hate. If you forgive, it relieves some of that hate. If you never forgive anyone, that hate will build up more and more and the probability that you will become a culprit in something more then many of the things done to you. When you relieve some of this tension and hate in yourself then life can go one as normal. I’m not saying that if you don’t forgive you will become a criminal. I’m just saying that forgiveness can go a long way inside your heart.

Forgiving others also goes on the spiritual level too. Forgiving others represents that you can move past the imperfections of them, even if you never talk to them. You can acknowledge that they are human just like you and they will make mistakes just like you. God wants us to forgive each other because if you have all that tension gone you can focus on the positives in life. Forgives allows you to grow in faith and as a person.

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