Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hard questions from a kid to answer

             Kids ask a lot of questions and when they are about faith you have to think about how you are answering it so that it would make sense in the mind of a kid. There has to be a fine balance between faith and being a kid. Many parts overlap but there will always be things that they might question and it will be hard to explain to them in a faith - kid kind of way. Here are some questions and some thought on how to answer them.

- How were dinosaurs around before Adam and Eve?
First off that’s even a hard question for adults but many kids will ask it because many kids love dinosaurs.   When you read them the story of the creation they may question this question. My answer to them is to come back with another questions. Ask them what they think happened and have them put their thoughts into words. If they want your opinion you can go and tell them your opinion.   You can say something on the lines of dinosaurs were here the same time as human’s just on different part of the earth. Either way it’s a hard question to answer for a kid or an adult.

-       How do we know that God really exists?
This one isn’t that hard to answer. It is just a feeling we have. Talk to them about the meaning of faith and how it is something that we have to believe in without seeing. Maybe talk to them about a time in their life where they have seen God. Many parents pray with their child so if they pray for something and it is answered then you can explain that that is the work of God.

-       What is the trinity?
This is another one that is hard to answer for both kids and adults. How I explain the trinity is that it is three in one. Almost like a three in one body shampoo. There is the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash all in one. This is something that is easy to explain because it is one thing but has three purposes. The trinity is one but has three purposes. God the father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Spirit.

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