Sunday, October 18, 2015


“He has made everything beautiful in it’s time.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

“If there is intelligent life on other planets, does God care about those creatures as much as He does us?”

I was looking on the Internet for different questions about religion when I came upon this one. It made me think about if there really was life outside of Earth and how we would view aliens through the eyes of Christianity. This question could someday become reality if we were to ever find beings outside of Earth or if they find us.

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, God created the heaven and Earth on the first day, the sky the second day, the land and vegetation the third day, the stars and the heavenly bodies the fourth day, aquatic life the fifth day, and land life the sixth day. There is no mention of any other places or beings outside of the Earth. It said nothing about planets or aliens. But what science has proven is that there are planets and other objects out there, so why can’t aliens be out there too. There is no mention of these newer discoveries in the Bible because they were not observed and noted before the Bible was recorded.

At this time aliens are just a hypothetical figure that humans use more for entertainment (e.g. movies and books) then actually believing that they prevail in the universe. If they were to exist though we would have to think about how we would view them. Most people would think aliens are something bad and should be destroyed. My opinion is that we should look through the eyes of God and see them as just another one of God’s creations. God would have created them so we shouldn’t try and destroy them.

Since they are God’s creations I feel like God would care for them just as much as he would care for you and me. They are part of His creation and part of Him.

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