Sunday, October 25, 2015


"One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries.” –Winnie the Pooh

There are many views and versions of disorganization. People consider disorganization to be either an advantage or disadvantage. There are levels of disorganization, which include messy, unhealthy and everything has a place but the place is everywhere.

The good and the bad views on disorganization are all dependent on who you are. I believe disorganization is a good thing at times but in other situations it is a bad thing and organization is key. When people think of it as a good thing they usually say that it’s fine and that they know where things are if it is disorganized. Winnie the Pooh always has a positive attitude toward it because you get to find new things that you have forgot you lost before in the disorganized mess. This way of thinking, I believe is awful because there is no reason to have things in a mess and you wouldn’t lose things in the first place if everything was organized. I would never be able to find stuff. The only reason I would agree with this statement is in my room because sometimes it gets a little messy and I’m satisfied with that. It’s very disorganized to an extent but it is organized in a way.

There are different levels of disorganization. There is the messy were everything is everywhere and it’s just what most people would think of when they think of the word disorganized. Another is unhealthy which is the max extreme where there is no organization at all. Everything is everywhere and nothing ever has a remote area where it goes. For example shirts and socks will be together. The last is just that everything is someplace and it has a place but it may not be considered organized; this one is below the messy categories on the levels. I believe that anything more then messy is too much because I would start to freak out not knowing where things are.

What matters is the way that you see disorganization or the level your disorganization is in your life, you should have some method of placing things and a method of explanation to the madness of disorganization.

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