Sunday, October 4, 2015

Especially For You

“Hakuna Ma Ta Tas, Team for breast cancer HOPE”

The Especially For You walk took place this morning, October 4th in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This was the twenty-fifth race against breast cancer. There were over 15,600 participants. It is a walk or run to raise money for breast cancer services that stays within the local community. I got the privilege to walk in it for the second year in a row. Every person has the same shirt in the walk but each group could design their own shirt idea for the back. The idea behind our group’s shirt design was Hakuna Ma Ta Tas. It is one of my favorite designs that I saw on the walk.  

Before a few years ago I knew of no one who had breast cancer or any cancer actually. Then one of my best friend’s mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. After many treatments she beat it and is considered a breast cancer survivor. It was something that I saw from a distance but it still impacted me through my friend. To get though the battle against cancer there was lots of hope that had to go around and many prayers were said for her and the family.

Hope: the feeling that is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. This is the perfect definition for hope. When all else fails in your life you have to have hope. When something like breast cancer gets in your way you have to have hope that the cancer will go away and it will turn out for the best. Hope is amazing. It gets people through events that maybe couldn’t be possible without it.

Faith, Hope and Love. Faith is spiritual. Its God’s word and promises. Hope is the mental component. It is the attitude and a way of focus. Love is physical. It is expressed though action. Taking the example of cancer one has to have faith that God is there and everything will be ok. Hope and an attitude that says yes I can fight this. And love of people around you and for yourself. With these three things one can get through anything that life puts in their way, even something as mean as cancer. There are survivors out there and I saw many of them today on the walk. That should give one enough hope to stick though life and to beat cancer.

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