Saturday, October 31, 2015


“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present.”

             Thinking about the past is very common in today’s world. Many people think about what could have gone better, how a stupid choice has affected their life today or about the fun they had in the past. When you think about the past it is very distracting and what can you do about it now anyway. Yes, you can learn from the past and change your actions and attitude so you won’t make similar mistakes again. If you constantly think about the past too much then it’s going to rule your life and you will constantly be living in the past.

            Thinking about the future is also a very common thing. This could be thinking about college, retirement or a job. When you think about these things it doesn’t always help your mental state. Many times it will make you stress out or even be excited or anxious. When your mind is in the future then your mind is thinking of many things that will probably never happen or happen in a way you would never expect. All this useless thinking can drain your energy. The future is a mystery and the only way to solve it is to get there and figure it out when the time comes.

            It’s not always the easiest to think of the present and not about the past or the future. Ways to think about the present more then the past or future is to focus all your attention on activities, people, events, and ideas that are happening right now. Involve yourself in enough things to keep your mind on your daily life. When you have a full schedule you don’t have time to think about the past or the future. Another way to live in the present is to do things you love to do. Even if its not involving yourself in a ton of activities, you could find something solitary to do like reading or painting.

            I’m not saying that thinking about the past or the future is a bad thing; I’m just saying that if you live in the present, life will be a whole lot easier and a lot more fun. Remember that the present is a gift. Live it to its fullest and never waste it thinking about your history or the mystery of tomorrow.

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