Thursday, March 31, 2016


What do tattoos say about you? Why do people want to have this permanent art on them? What is my take on faith and tattoos?

What do tattoos say about you?
Honestly I think it shows that you are willing to stand out and be yourself. But at the same time I think it is very unprofessional and don't believe that it is a good thing in a higher education work place. It make you look kind of uneducated. I know that isn't always true but that's how most people view it. I heard from employers that they would most likely never pick someone with a tattoo that is visible because it looks bad and gave them a bad idea about who this person is.

Why do people want to have this permanent art on them?
Most people want it because they like the look of them. Others have a meaning behind what the tattoo symbolizes. They feel that it is there way of having themselves show themselves. Others believe that it is a fine art and they want this on them. I think it is personally fine to have a tattoo or two, but if you are covered in them and they don't have any meaning behind it then why get one. I see both sides but I honestly will never get one unless something dramatically changes in my life.

What is my take on faith and tattoos?
Many people have religious tattoos to show there faith and what they have gone through to get to it. I think that is very emotional and would be cool to hear the story. But my question to them would be why cant you show your faith in other ways. But I cant judge them. It is their choice. Just like I would want people to judge me for what I wear or say. Its kind of sad how much nagging people do about tattoos. Tattoos are just different then what I grew up around. I think it is perfectly fine if someone says "I have a tattoo". It is their choice. Just like it was God's choice to put them on this planet. God gives us these bodies to be his children. And to be different or have a meaning many people get tattoos.

So if you have a negative opinion about tattoos think about what you might wear or say that others may judge. Its your choice to say or have these things. Please don't judge others.

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