Sunday, December 13, 2015


“Faith is like Wi-Fi, it’s invisible but has the power to connect you to what you need.”

This is one of the best similes I have ever really saw when it comes to faith and having it relate to something that my generation would understand a bit easier. Today so many people don’t really understand how to believe in something they can’t see. But we have this phenomenon happen so often in our normal life that believing in God should be actually really easy and not questioned.

Today Wi-Fi is this invisible thing that no one quits understand. Well some people get it but the average person probably doesn’t know the science behind it. With this we have to trust that we will get what we need and that it comes through the air. This is the same when we talk on the phone with someone. There is no proof that the two phones are connected but somehow everything works out and its ok the conversation happens and there is usually no problem.

People don’t really think about these things like Wi-Fi and talking on the phone these days. They just ignore it and use Wi-Fi and never really have a second thought about it. They don’t really have to have faith in this happening because it is just something that happens. So why do people not believe in God/ harder to believe in Him. He isn’t there in the sense that we can see Him but there is definitely proof that He is there and that He is working for us.

I believe that people have trouble believing in God because they can’t really see that the things that happen in the world is all because of Him. They really can’t hear that “phone call” when they pray to God. Faith is something that is really hard. There may not always be proving unless you look for it. Wi-Fi is the same just the prove is a little bit easier so see.

Wi-Fi gets us what we need and this is the same with faith. Faith gets you what you need too. Having faith in God means that He is in your life. That’s a big deal because with God all things are possible. So remember to have faith in God and to know that its just like Wi-Fi in so many ways.

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