Sunday, April 17, 2016


Have you ever been so frustration with something that you just don’t even want to continue with it? At the moment this is what is happening with homework right now. I just don’t want to continue doing it but I know that I have to because if not I would fail and that would just make me stress out so much. This happens to me over and over again. I don’t even get why I get so frustrated but I do.

I just want to step back and relax but when I do that then I start to get frustrated with myself even more. I know that the relaxing does help me more then hurts be but sometimes my brain doesn’t fell like that at all. It is pretty much a mind game in my head sometimes.

Whenever I get like this the only one thing that really helps is to just breath and tell myself that I have felt like this before and to just let the frustration run its course because I will be better soon. And then I thank God every time that I stop being frustrated because He does so much and helped me through it.

Frustration is a common thing to everyone. Al that you can do is have a positive attitude and try to turn it around. Having something that you know that will have is always a good thing. Stuff like praying and chocolate seem to help me the most because praying just is relaxing to me and chocolate is my favorite.

So remember not to stress when you get frustrated with stuff because obviously it happens to everyone and it’s just something that naturally happens.

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