Sunday, April 10, 2016


Honestly I hate to procrastinate but I also hate to do my work. So it is a mixed feeling. Procrastination is the act of “avoiding” something while doing something else. I find that my phone is the best way to distract me from doing my work. Honestly it’s probably a problem. It is just so attempting to grab my phone and text someone or play a game. Most of the time when doing homework I have to put my phone away but that doesn’t always happen.

I always have a goal of finishing the task in enough time to do something fun afterward like play a game with family or have me time. I honestly think that is what makes me keep going rather then the fact that I have something due soon.

But you have to think this what if Noah procrastinated building the ark. Would God have delayed the flood? Would God have said, “Noah you are not a good person to save”? I have thought about many of the stories in the bible and about what would happen if there was procrastination involved. Some of my thoughts have been really funny. Like what would have happened in the angel procrastinated going to Mary when she was going to have a baby. All these small like funny things make you realize that procrastination in a really bad thing for yourself and for the people around you.

In my opinion I think procrastination is a human function that everyone will have sometimes but if it is minimized then it is ok. Just make sure the procrastination isn’t controlling your life. And also that you are not procrastinating life itself.

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