Sunday, February 21, 2016


How many times a day do you get distracted from your task with your phone or something else? How long do these distractions talk – a minute or even an hour? How can you prevent yourself from doing these things?

Personally distractions can cause me to talk a long time on these blogs. Each of them I probably get distracted like roughly 5-10 times. Some blog days are better then others. Either I will get hungry and go get food. Or my phone will be right there and I want to play a game on it or check media. Or someone will text me and I “have” to answer back. So many of my distractions are on this little thing called a cell phone that is way more then just a phone. I use it more for things that aren’t calling or texting.

I probably spend at least an hour or more on my phone each day. And honestly I think that number needs to change because I could be doing other things like not have these blogs turned in all at once on Sunday because I know they are due at midnight. I could read my book, color, or start a new hobby. Too many times I say I don’t have time to do that but really I do. I just have to make that time. Too many times I get stuck in my phone and say I’ll do something in a minute but I don’t because I’m on my phone and it talks like 10 minutes to get off it.

How has our society accepted phones as a distraction? Couldn’t we have better distractions like playing with a pet or running around the house or even family? How do we prevent this from happening worse then it is now? I think I will probably go delete an app or two after I right this. Because I just realized how bad this actually is. I see people watching Netflix in school. Now that’s crazy. You should be doing schoolwork in school. So think about it next time you grab your phone – is it worth spending time doing or can I go do something else for 20 minutes. What would you do with that time?

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