Sunday, February 14, 2016


“F.E.A.R. has two meanings – Forget Everything And Run OR Race Everything And Rise. The choice is yours.”

Being an afraid is the act of having fear. When you are afraid of something it gives you this feeling of fight or flight. You are either running from what scares you and forget it happened or you are going to race it and rise to the challenge.

Fears come in all shapes and sizes. Some can stay with you for only a quick second others can haunt you forever. Many peoples fears come from situations in their past that caused them to have that fear. Common fears include things like snakes, spiders, the dark, and the future.

My biggest fear is the unknown. I am usually scared of trying new things because I have no idea what will come of them. This probably is a really hard fear that I will have forever but I conquer bits of it each time something new comes my way. Parts come off so often that I’m pretty sure thing cloud of fear was consuming me before. I now can at least not put up a fight every single time.

The biggest think that keeps me going in all of this is that I know that God is right there with me. When I have something new coming up I pray and every night before it. Many times right before something new I will just say or think “God your with me right.” I never need an answer I just have that feeling of yes I am with you. One of the most resent scariest moments in my life was when I went to a haunted house with my friends. I pretty much squeezed the person’s hand in front of me until the very end. Even the times between because I was way to scared. I even broke my nail because I was sneezing way to hard. I had to tell myself it was real and I was in good company with God and my friends. It definitely showed that maybe if I ever do something like that again that I can not squeeze as hard and maybe that fear will go away slowly.

God will always be with us through our fears so why do we still have them? Its because God wants us to have those fight or flight situations its what makes life worth living.

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