Monday, February 22, 2016

Noah’s Ark

“So Noah went out, and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him. Every animal, every creeping thing, every bird, everything that moves on the earth, went out by families form the ark.” – Genesis 8: 18-19

Noah’s Ark is one of the most famous stories in the bible. Probably the most told to kids after the story of Jesus being born. Its one of the many stories that stick with you and will always be close to your heart.

I know that it is very dear to me because I see the arch everyday and it’s a reminder to me to keep with my faith just like god kept the promise of not flooding the earth again. I have a night light in my room that my uncle got for me when I was baptized. There are two elephants, two giraffes, two zebras, two lions, and two fish. These are probably the animals most kids think of with the Ark because they are always depicted when we see them painted or on a figure. In my nursery room at my church there are pretty much the say few pairs of animals.

I always wandered how they kept all these animals in one big giant boat. Did they have like an Antarctica floor for the penguins and polar bears? Did they have room for the small but mighty bugs? I actually have thought of this many times. When we see the ark I never see these things because most cultures aren’t used to it. I just wander if in other parts of the world that believe in Christianity do they have different animals in their Arch paintings?

Even if the Ark is depicted differently it is the same story. The story of God and Noah. God helped Noah create this huge - I mean it had to be huge or even gigantic to fit that many animals in it – Ark to wipe out the human population. Why didn’t God just not have had Noah get on the Ark with the rest of the animals? Why couldn’t God depart with the whole idea of the human population? Obviously I’m glad He decided to keep us but what if He didn’t. There are so many questions to ask. The answer to all of them is simple. God loves us. He couldn’t destroy human kind. He didn’t destroy it after Adam and Eve and their sin. So why destroy it then.

Thank you God for not destroying our kind. Thanks for giving us another shot. I know that You do that all the time. So you reader think about a time when God gave you a second chance and how the “Ark” saved you.

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